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Legal Help for Slipping and Falling On Ice and Snow

Slip And Fall Lawyer Little Rock ARIf you have slipped and fallen on snow-covered, icy ground and suffered an injury as a result, you may want to contact a slip and fall lawyer Little Rock AR residents trust from the Harrelson Law Firm. Since 1952, our firm has helped thousands of injured clients get monetary compensation for their losses. Guided by a passion for getting justice for those who might feel like they don’t have a voice, our slip and fall lawyers are confident, steadfast, and ready to put up a fight against insurance adjusters. If you would like to learn more about our tenacious approach to slip and fall claims, please call us now at (501) 374-2210.

Falling On Ice and Snow

It is the obligation of property owners and managers to ensure the property, which includes sidewalks, stairs, and parking lots, are maintained so that all ice and snow is removed. The owners are allowed a reasonable amount of time to carry out this task. Examples of liability from a slip and fall on ice or snow might include:

  • An unnatural build up of snow or ice existed and you fell;
  • There was an accumulation of ice on the roof which melted and re-froze on the ground leading to a slip and fall; or
  • A parking lot led melting ice to form puddles which re-froze into slippery ice and you fell on it while walking to your car.

The aforementioned are brief examples that could hold a property owner liable for negligence. A slip and fall lawyer Little Rock AR locals depend on can discuss your case in further detail during a free consultation.

What is Considered to Be Reasonable?

Before you can hold a property owner negligent for a slip and fall, a lawyer must be able to show that that the owner did not use common sense, failed to adhere to their obligations, or did not use reasonable care to keep the premises safe. Questions that a Little Rock slip and fall lawyer might consider to determine whether or not reasonable care was practiced include:

  • Has there ever been a similar accident on the premises?
  • Is there any schedule in place for maintenance and upkeep? Can the owner prove the maintenance is being done?
  • Was the dangerous condition in place for a long period of time so that the owner likely would have known about it?
  • Was there a good reason for the object being left on the ground and could it have otherwise been made safe?
  • Could a barrier or sign have been created to warn passerbys of the danger?
  • Was poor or broken lighting a factor in the slip and fall.

If a slip and fall lawyer in Little Rock AR can prove that any of these questions are in your favor, you may be able to recover monetary compensation for:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional anguish
  • + More

It should be noted that there are certain circumstances for which you may not be able to file a claim against a property owner. This is often true when you were illegally trespassing on a property. To learn more, please call a slip and fall lawyer Little Rock AR families rely on from our firm.

Contact a Slip and Fall Lawyer Little Rock AR Victims Recommend for Legal Representation

Whether you have fallen on ice, snow, water, oil, a power cord, or other object, we would be glad to listen to your story and let you know what steps to take from this point on. To schedule your free consultation with a slip and fall lawyer Little Rock AR provides from Harrelson Law Firm, please call (501) 374-2210.

1321 Scott Street Little Rock, AR 72202-5051