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If you need the assistance of a seasoned child custody lawyer Little Rock, AR residents trust, contact the Harrelson Law Firm. The lawyers at our firm have decades of experience and you can be assured that each member of our firm has a critical and vast understanding of Arkansas family law statutes.

How Can a Child Custody Lawyer Little Rock, AR Parents Recommend Do?

Under Arkansas law, both parents have equal rights when it comes to determining custody. When a judge makes his or her final custody decision, it is based on the Best Interest of the Child Standard. In order to make that determination, an experienced child custody lawyer Little Rock, AR locals depend on knows the court will look at the following factors:

  • Which parent will be the one most likely to provide continued contact with the other parent?
    What is the character of each of the parents? Some of the character traits the court will look at are the parents’ honesty, empathy, reputation, work record, criminal record, and substance abuse issues.
  • What kind of environment does each parent provide for the child? Are there other people living with or frequently visit the parent? In many child custody cases, the court will order a home study be done for each parent to help make that determination.
  • How financially stable is each parent? Is the parent able to provide shelter, food, clothing, healthcare, and other basic needs the child requires?
  • Is there a history of domestic abuse by either parent?
  • What is the child’s preference? Although the court may consider where the child says he or she would rather live, it is not the necessarily a factor in the judge’s decision.

Your child custody lawyer in Little Rock, AR will prepare your case in accordance with the above factors, as well as help you decide which type of custody you want to petition the court for. If the judge awards one parent primary custody and the other parent visitation rights, then there needs to be a visitation schedule determined in the custody order. Not only does regular visitation need to be determined, but the court must also decide how holidays, school vacations, and other events are divided between both parents.

Child Custody Modification

In many cases, after the original child custody order has been entered, issues come up which may need to be readdressed by the court. For example, in many cases, when the child grows older they may decide they want to spend more time with the noncustodial parent than is allowed in the visitation schedule. Alternately, there may be issues where one parent is not following the custody order and is interfering with the other parent’s visitation schedule. In these or other situations, the Harrelson Law Firm can help.

Let a Professional Child Custody Lawyer Little Rock, AR Clients Call Help You

If you are facing custody issues, you need an aggressive Little Rock child custody lawyer fighting for you rights and the rights of your children. The legal team at Harrelson Law Firm is available to meet and discuss your situation and what types of legal options you may have.

Call a skilled child custody lawyer Little Rock, AR provides today at (501) 374-2210 for your free consultation.

1321 Scott Street Little Rock, AR 72202-5051