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Commercial Truck Accident Lawyer Little Rock, AR

Tractor trailers can cause serious damage and injury to other drivers and passengers on the road if not operated in a safe or responsible manner. Because of the damages that these trucks can create, lawmakers from around the country, both on the state and federal levels, have passed strict regulations for both drivers and their employees. Government regulates every aspect of the trucking industry, including mandating rest breaks, limiting long driving time, and even regulating the way cargo is loaded.  One important reason for this regulation is to minimize the potential of a serious accident that could hurt or kill innocent motorists.

Because there are times when these rules are unfortunately not followed, serious  injury, property damage, and death can occur as a result of truck accidents. When this happens, a truck accident lawyer Little Rock, AR turns to may believe that negligent drivers should be held responsible for the damage and harm inflicted. We can help you hold the liable parties legally and financially responsible for the injuries you have received and the damages to your property that you have incurred as a result.

Causes of commercial truck accidents can take a variety of forms:

  • Tired drivers who have been on the road for an extended period of time without rest
  • Distracted drivers operating an on-board computer or cell phone
  • Drivers operating the truck under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Overloaded trucks or trucks with improperly balanced weight
  • Improper or insufficient training of the driver by their employer
  • Inexperienced drivers
  • Failure by the driver to follow posted traffic laws or speed limits
  • Failure by the driver to see other vehicles when changing lanes or making turns

A Truck Accident Lawyer Little Rock, AR Who Pursues Compensation

Pursuing a claim for damages caused by a semi is much different than a motor vehicle accident involving two cars.  Maneuvering through state and federal laws regarding commercial trucking can be complex and confusing. An experienced truck accident lawyer understands that trucking specific cases require knowledge of the federal code of regulations and other requirements that must be adhered to be truck drivers.  Truck drivers have dozens of regulations that must be complied with in order to avoid hazardous and dangerous driving. Fortunately, Steve Harrelson has extensive experience tackling complex personal injury claims. Lawyers at the Harrelson Law Firm are well-prepared to go up against the big trucking companies, their insurance companies, and their legal team. Inside and outside of court, we work hard to see that you are financially compensated fairly.  This requires more than merely organizing your medical expenses and lost wages — it requires learning every single fact about the accident and about your medical crisis in order to achieve a fair resolution to your case.

The Harrelson Law Firm has successfully taken on trucking companies and negligent drivers by reviewing every single available report, driver’s log, employment record, medical record, and regulation in an effort to make sure that you get the most you deserve in your case.  Plus, these kinds of checks by truck accident lawyer Little Rock, AR has to offer can help make our roads safer.

Call our law office today at (501) 374-2210 for a free consultation from a truck accident lawyer Little Rock, AR trusts.

1321 Scott Street Little Rock, AR 72202-5051