Can A Store Be At Fault for Your Slip & Fall?
You might be surprised to find you need the services of a trip and fall lawyer Little Rock AR victims trust after suffering an injury that was not their fault. Shopping is enjoyable for many people, and customers deserve a clean and safe browsing experience. If a shopper does fall, injuries can range from mild bruising to more serious conditions such as broken bones or a concussion. Symptoms and injuries range based on how the victim fell and which part of their body suffered the most direct impact. A store can be held responsible for the slip and fall of a shopper, depending on the details surrounding the accident. If you were injured in this way, contact a Little Rock AR trip and fall lawyer without delay from Harrelson Law Firm.
Store Public Safety
All businesses are responsible for maintaining a safe facility. Injuries often occur due to a puddle or spill on the floor going unnoticed by staff members. Failure to address such hazards can endanger shoppers and put the store at risk for a time consuming and expensive lawsuit. Employees may be unhappy with their jobs and negligently pass by the liquid without attending to it. Or, they may notice the spill but then quickly become distracted with another task. There are many reasons for why a staff member may not clean up the mess right away. When the hazard is avoidable and intentionally ignored, it can be grounds for a personal injury claim. This may be your best option to recover your injury related damages. However, you may benefit from the legal guidance of a trip and fall lawyer Little Rock AR residents choose before making any decisions.
See a Doctor Immediately
After a slip and fall accident that results in a serious injury to you, notify the supervisor of the store what happened. Do not hesitate to call an ambulance if something does not feel quite right in your body. It is possible there is an underlying injury that will not be felt until days or even weeks later, and you may miss the time frame in which an injury claim must be filed with the store. It will look suspicious if you are able to leave the store that day but then come back to claim injury.
When you see your doctor after the accident, let him or her know about all the symptoms you are experiencing. Documenting your injuries can be an important step in the claim process. Your doctor may recommend running diagnostic testing to look for abnormalities in your body. Testing may include blood samples, x-rays, MRI, brain scan, extremity range of motion, cognitive ability, and even a chiropractic evaluation. Save your medical documentation and any other relevant information or receipts to provide to your trip and fall lawyer in Little Rock AR. This is critical for including in your injury claim or for litigation purposes if you pursue a lawsuit.
Other Reasons for Slip and Fall
Besides slipping on liquid on the store floor, an injury can occur due in any of the following scenarios:
- Tripping on a corner of a bent or frayed mat.
- Store items falling onto the ground and impairing walkway aisles.
- Inadequate lighting, resulting in poor visibility.
- Ceiling leaks that are not properly fixed.
- Entry floors or carpets are covered in rain, snow or ice.
Seeking the Advice of a Trip and Fall Lawyer Little Rock AR Offers
The scenarios above are only a few of the most common ways a slip and fall injury may happen in a store, as the list does not end there. Many people choose to consult with a trip and fall lawyer Little Rock AR locals recommend when they want a positive resolution. We offer a free consultation to new clients, which can be a great way to get familiar with an attorney and the services we offer. Call Steve Harrelson of the Harrelson Law Firm today for a free consultation with a trip and fall lawyer Little Rock AR offers.